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دستهبندي مقالات Scopus
زمينههاي پژوهشي
Mehdi Seifbarghy is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering at Alzahra University. He received his Ph.D., MS.c, and B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology. He has participated in writing papers published in various journals and conference proceedings in the industrial engineering field. His research interests are supply chain management, facility location, decision analysis, and Big data Analytics. He has published several research papers in well-known journals such as International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Applied Mathematical Modelling and Transportation Research, Part E.
روند مقالات Scopus
روند مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند داوري مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند مقالات Google Scholar
روند مقالات ISC
روند طرحهاي ارتباط با صنعت مصوب
فهرست طرحهاي ارتباط با صنعت مصوب
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همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Scopus
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o